How "JCPA VISION 2025" is
connected to Sustainable Development Goals
"JCPA VISION 2025" — The ideal future
- We contribute to a society in which farmers grow produce with confidence and consumers can enjoy a safe and healthy food lifestyle.
- We develop new CPPs and technology using science and technology and contribute to the global food supply.
- We earn the trust of society and support robust industry growth.
For the future of food
In 2013, we launched our vision action called "JCPA VISION 2025", and we have been disseminating information on the importance of food production and role of crop protection. Additionally, we are also actively informing on the linkage between this vision action and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(the 17 goals). The role of crop protection is expected to grow increasingly important to maintaining a stable and sustainable food supply moving forward. And through vision action linked with Sustainable Development Goals, we will continue to contribute to "food and farming".
Recent related activities
We created a "JCPA Activity Introduction Leaflet" for farmers and people in the supply chain. Additionally, our "Honey Bee Friendship Campaign" is designed to be a promotional opportunity on conservation efforts for pollinator insects like honey bees. The campaign cultivates plants preferred by pollinator insects on the grounds of the factories and research facilities of member companies.
Linking our vision action with Sustainable Development Goals
In our vision actions, we promote and share a correct understanding about the roles of crop protection.
The roles of crop protection are…
- [Zero Hunger]
- Contributing to farm crop yield and quality.
- [Good Health and Well-Being]
- Contributing to health by reducing mycotoxin risk.
- [Decent Work and Economic Growth]
- Transforming agriculture into a growth industry through streamlining and stabilization.
- [Life on Land]
- Protecting nature by curbing cropland expansion.
The roles of JCPA are…
- [Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure]
- Linking to foundation-building through the creation of new technology and products.
- [Responsible Consumption and Production]
- Supporting through the appropriate use of CPPs.
- [Partnership for the Goals]
- Aiming for growth by promoting to consumers.