Message from the President
Message from the President
20-40% of worldwide edible crops is lost to damage from diseases, pests, and weeds, and hundreds of millions of people are suffering from an inability to sufficiently obtain food. The Japan Crop Protection Association promotes "JCPA VISION 2025", a vision activity that links with Sustainable Development Goals and has successfully contributed to agriculture as an industry. We also strive to raise awareness about the importance of crop protection. In concert with the existing crises of climate change and damage caused by diseases and pests, the global impact of the coronavirus pandemic since 2020 onward is exacerbating food insecurity around the world. And while Japan is not experiencing the problem of food shortage, we do need to improve our food self-sufficiency. Amidst the drive to improve food self-sufficiency, there are issues in the Japanese farming arena such as farmer aging and a lack of successors, and labor reduction in farm work is becoming a necessity. This is increasing the need for new crop protection products(CPPs)as well as new technology such as smart agriculture. Furthermore, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has issued a "Strategy for Sustainable Food Systems, MeaDRI". The Japan Crop Protection Association is investing energy in the creation of technological innovation aiming to fulfill this new strategy, and we will continue to contribute to both the productivity enhancement and sustainability of Japanese agriculture.
President, Japan Crop Protection Association
Satoshi Ozawa