Japan’s Sustainable Food Systems Strategy(MeaDRI)
July 28, 2021
Japan’s Sustainable Food Systems Strategy
– “Measures for achievement of Decarbonization and Resilience with Innovation
Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries(“MAFF”)asserts that the safety of crop protection products(CPPs)is assessed on a scientific basis for the approval of MAFF registration and that there will be no safety concerns as long as they are used according to the labeled usage directions.
In parallel with their safety assessment of CPPs, MAFF has formulated the government’s sustainable food systems strategy – Measures for achievement of Decarbonization and Resilience with Innovation(“MeaDRI”)– in order to reduce environmental burdens and secure sustainable agricultural production. In that governmental initiative, MAFF aims to build up and promote integrated pest management systems in which agricultural producers are not dependent solely on chemical CPPs. They also have set up the goal of reducing the usage of chemical CPPs by 50% (risk equivalent) by 2050 for new products that will be developed up to the year 2040.
As examples of achievable technologies within a 5-year timeline, the government cites pinpoint applications by drones, pest control with indigenous natural enemies and sunlight, early detection of plant pest infection using AI technologies, integrated pest management(“IPM”), and expanded organic farming.
Plant protection experts also advocate the government initiative, and they have agreed to efforts moving forward including promoting IPM, creating a feasible mechanism to implement IPM, and preparing farmer-friendly environments where producers can become more involved in IPM.
The Japan Crop Protection Association(“JCPA”)views MeaDRI as an innovation-driven and mid- to long-term strategy. JCPA and its member companies will be making all efforts to create innovative technologies that can improve the productivity of agriculture and the sustainability of food systems.
Please visit our website to see how JCPA and its member companies will achieve our goals.
July 28, 2021
JCPA’s Efforts